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Which merely confirmed her doubts about the veracity of his feelings for her.

  Lost in her troublesome thoughts, Maggie hadn't realized they were actually landing until the wheels touched down on the tarmac.

  A few minutes later when the seat belt light blinked off, she slung her carryall over her shoulder and wearily started up the jetway behind two other first-class passengers. It had been a grueling five days, and she was beat. She wasn't looking forward to the two-hour drive home.

  As happened wherever she went, heads turned when she stepped into the terminal. Normally Maggie would have smiled, maybe signed a few autographs if anyone worked up the nerve to ask, but she was too tired to deal with fans. Fixing her eyes straight ahead, she kept moving and pretended not to notice the stir she was causing.

  "Hey, Red, can I bum a ride?"

  Maggie jerked to a halt. "Dan!"

  He stood waiting just a few feet ahead to her right, a shoulder propped casually against a post, looking so wonderfully rugged and masculine he took her breath away.

  Grinning at her flabbergasted reaction, he pushed away from the post and ambled toward her. "What's the matter? Cat got your tongue? That must be a first."

  "Wh-what are you doing here?"

  "What do you think? Come here, Red." Reaching out, he hooked his big, workman's hand around her nape and hauled her in.

  His other arm wrapped around her and pulled her close, and Maggie's carryall slipped to the floor, forgotten. There in the middle of the concourse they kissed passionately, hungrily, oblivious to the deplaning passengers veering around them on either side like water seeking its course.

  A flash went off, and Dan's head jerked up.

  "What the— Hey, you! Come back here!" he yelled, but the photographer was sprinting away, dodging through the crowd.

  When he would have given chase Maggie grasped his arm. "Don't bother." She made a wry face. "Gawking people and paparazzi are something you'll have to accept if you're going to be with me, I'm afraid. If that's going to be a problem for you, say so now."

  He gave her one of those steady looks. "I can handle it. And, honey, when it comes to us, there is no 'if' about it." He stroked his callused fingers down her cheek as his eyes caressed her, and Maggie's heart thumped.

  "C'mon." Scooping up her carryall, he looped his other arm around her waist and started down the concourse.

  When they approached her Viper in the long-term parking garage, Dan said, "I know you're tired after that long flight. If you'd trust me with this thing, I'll drive."

  "You're on," Maggie replied, and tossed him the keys.

  The instant they were seated inside the car, Dan leaned over and planted another kiss on her mouth.

  He took his time about it. Cupping her breast with one hand, he rubbed his thumb back and forth across her nipple in rhythm with his stroking tongue. Maggie speared her fingers through his hair and clutched his head, making a low sound in her throat as she gave herself up to the sensual pleasure.

  After a time, Dan pulled back a few inches. His eyes smoldered and his breathing was raspy and not quite steady. "This car wasn't built for where this is heading. Anyway, if we don't stop now, we're liable to get arrested."

  "Mmm, that would never do."

  With controlled movements he straightened and cranked the engine. He reversed out of the slot and started down the spiral ramp. Maggie kicked off her shoes and curled sideways in the seat, unable to take her gaze from his strong profile.

  "You still haven't told me how you got here."

  "One of our rigs was making a haul to Dallas. I hitched a ride."

  "But how did you know I'd be on that flight?"

  "Easy. I got a copy of your itinerary from Anna."

  She smiled, inordinately pleased.

  "I'm sorry I didn't see you before you left. We had a break in the irrigation system at the orchard out on the Corsicana highway. By the time I got it repaired and drove home there weren't any lights on at the house. Then the next morning I found out you'd left for New York. I thought about calling your apartment, but with the time difference it was always late by the time I got home. I figured you'd be asleep."

  "It wouldn't have mattered. I wish you had."

  "Next time I will," he said quietly, sending her another smoldering glance.

  Happiness effervesced inside Maggie like champagne bubbles. Smiling, she snuggled her cheek against the leather seat back. "You do realize that photo will most likely be in the papers. By tomorrow everyone in Ruby Falls will know about us."

  Dan slanted her an amused look. "Honey, everyone already knows."

  "You're kidding me. But how? Daddy wouldn't say anything."

  "Charley told Ida Lou."

  "Oh, I see." She loved Ida Lou with all her heart, but there was nothing the dear old soul loved better than talking about "her girls" to her best friend Clara. Clara Edwards could not have kept a juicy tidbit like that to herself for five minutes.

  "You don't mind everyone knowing about us?"

  "Why should I mind?"

  "I'm not exactly the most beloved person in town."

  He shot her another one of those intense looks that made her toes curl. "You suit me just fine. That's all that matters."

  Yes. Yes, it was, she thought, hugging the reassuring words to her heart.

  A comfortable silence fell between them as they left the outskirts of Dallas. Maggie didn't mind. She was happy and content merely to be with Dan, and to drink in the sight of him.

  The last thing she expected was to fall asleep, but the next thing she knew she awoke with a start when the ride turned bumpy.


  "Relax, we're almost there."

  Looking around, she saw that they were on the gravel lane leading to her family home. Yawning, she arched in a sinuous stretch. "Sorry, I didn't mean to conk out on you."

  "That's okay. You were tired. Anyway, the music drowned out your snoring."

  Maggie shot him a horrified look, then slugged his arm when he grinned. "You beast. I don't snore."

  Dan turned in at the gate and started up the long drive before aiming another teasing look her way. "No, but you do make cute little sighing noises."

  "I do not do any such th—"

  Maggie twisted around in her seat as the Viper shot past the house. "Where are you going?"

  "My place." Without slowing, he drove past the point where the driveway forked to the left toward the garage and headed down the other branch toward the orchard where it narrowed into the dirt lane leading to his cottage.

  "Oh, sugar, there's nothing I'd like better. Truly. But I really should go home. The family is expecting me, plus I need to check on Daddy."

  "He's doing fine. The last couple of days he's actually improved. He's feeling better since he started taking the new medication. Dr. Sanderson is amazed."

  "Really? Oh, that's wonderful news."

  "As for the other, you don't have to worry. I told Ida Lou where you'd be. She'll calm any worries your momma might have."

  Maggie smiled sadly. She noticed he wasn't concerned that her father would be worried. "You've thought of everything, haven't you, sugar. Still, I am terribly tired. I wouldn't be the most exciting companion tonight, I'm afraid."

  Dan brought the Viper to a stop before his cottage but left the engine running. He looked across the dim interior at her. "I didn't bring you here to ravish you, Maggie, although I'd admit, that would be great. I'd be content just knowing you're here, to have you sleeping next to me." He reached out and touched the corner of her mouth with his callused thumb, caressing her with his eyes. "I've missed you, Maggie, and I want you with me tonight."

  Maggie's heart did a slow rod in her chest. Emotion clogged her throat, and her eyes grew misty as she gazed back at him through the dimness. With that simple statement he had made her feel loved and cherished and needed in a way she never had before.

  Covering his hand with hers, she turned her head and placed a kiss against his palm, wat
ching him all the while. "Let's go inside," she murmured, and reached for the door handle.

  The days that followed were a time of paradox for Maggie. She hadn't known it was possible to experience such extremes of emotions all at once, but existing right alongside the walking-on-air happiness her relationship with Dan had brought her was despair over her doomed relationship with her father, concern about his health and constant nagging worry about the business.

  Now and then she felt guilty about being so happy when everything else was so horrible, but she couldn't help it. She was in love, and though Dan hadn't said the words yet, his every action, look and touch said that he loved her, as well.

  Dan was proving to be a wonderful lover and companion. Maggie had been attracted to him almost from the moment they met, but she had not suspected that beneath that strong, almost stern exterior was a thoughtful and caring man. Daily, however, he continued to surprise her with his tenderness and sensitivity to her moods and needs.

  At least once or twice a day he found an excuse to come to her office. If the draperies were drawn he would swoop down and give her a passionate kiss while she sat at her desk. If they were open and the cannery hands could see, he contented himself with merely making love to her with his eyes. Either way, when he walked out of her office he left her weak and quivering with desire and love.

  Whenever Maggie worked late, Dan kept up his vigil, regardless of the guards patrolling the buildings. He would find work to do somewhere in the building where he could keep her in sight, and when she left the cannery, he stayed by her side.

  Two or three nights a week Maggie stayed at Dan's cottage. Her father still scowled and made caustic remarks, but the rest of the family seemed to accept, even approve of the relationship. Her mother, in particular, took pains to let her know what a fine man she thought Dan was. Even Jo Beth gave her a left-handed compliment on her taste in men.

  In Ruby Falls, tongues were wagging and there were bets being made on how long the affair would last, but that was no more than she and Dan had expected.

  One bright spot was that after the security guards began patrolling, the vandalism had stopped. Or at least so Maggie thought.

  One evening a week before Thanksgiving when Dan walked her to her car, they were both so absorbed with each other that neither of them noticed the damage at first. Then a chance glance made Maggie gasp. "Oh, no!"

  "What the hell?"

  Written in bright yellow spray paint along the driver's side of the Viper and on the hood were the words "Get out, bitch!"

  "Who the devil would do this? And why?" Dan gingerly touched the paint and discovered it was still wet. Immediately he pulled Maggie close and darted a hard look around the parking lot. "And where the hell is that security guard?"

  As though he'd heard him, the guard stepped out of the building they had just left.

  "Evening, Miss Malone, Mr. Garrett. You heading ho—" The man stopped and stared, bug-eyed, at Maggie's car. "Holy, jumpin' Jehoshaphat!"

  "Where the hell were you when this happened?"

  "I … I just stepped inside to take a leak … uh, sorry, Miss—to use the men's room. I wasn't gone more'n a couple of minutes, Mr. Garrett. I swear it."

  "That's all whoever did this needed. He must've been watching, waiting for you to take a break. Which means he might still be around. You stay here and guard the car while Miss Malone and I go get something to clean this off. If we hurry we might be able to wipe it off before it ruins the paint job."

  Maggie and Dan ran back inside the cannery and returned moments later with bundles of clean shop rags. The three of them worked like demons, but despite their best efforts, dried smears of yellow marred the Viper's emerald-green paint when they were done.

  "Well, at least we obliterated the words," Dan said. "We'll take it to a paint shop tomorrow. They can put it back like new."

  Maggie shook her head. "Who could hate me so much? Why do they keep doing these things to me?"

  That earned her a sharp look from Dan. "What do you mean 'keep doing'? Has something like this happened before? Something personal aimed at you?" The truth must have shown on her face, because he spat out an obscenity that made her jump. "Dammit, why didn't you tell me? I want to know what happened, and I want to know right now. Start talking."

  "Now, sugar—"

  "Knock it off, Maggie. You're not going to dirt your way out of this. Tell me."

  She flinched and glanced at the security guard, who was avidly taking in every word. Dan ordered him to go search the rest of the parking lot, then turned back to Maggie with a face like granite. "Now, spit it out."

  Reluctantly, Maggie told him about the tire slashing and finding the rat in her bed. When she was done, he looked as though he could cheerfully throttle her.

  "Dammit, Maggie, why the devil didn't you tell me?"

  "I didn't know you that well then. And I was worried that if Daddy found out he would want me to step down."

  "You know me now. You've had plenty of time to tell me in the last couple of weeks. So why haven't you?"

  Maggie's lips curved. "The truth is, I've been so happy lately, I forgot all about it."

  Dan narrowed his eyes and studied her face, trying to decide if she was telling him the truth. Finally he gave in and snatched her close. "Don't you ever, ever keep something like that from me again. You hear?"

  "I won't. I promise." She returned his hug, then eased back and looked up at him. "But, Dan, I still don't want Daddy to know. There's nothing he can do, and knowing would just upset him."

  Dan hesitated, frowning, but finally he nodded. "Okay. You're probably right."

  He cast another grim look at the Viper. "Well, this settles it. You're moving in with me."

  "What? Dan, I ca—"

  "No arguments. Until this thing is over, I'm not letting you out of my sight."

  Though she spent every night with Dan, Maggie did not agree to move in with him. Somehow, though, over the following week more and more of her personal belongings found their way to his cottage. Maggie suspected collusion between Dan and Ida Lou, maybe even her mother.

  She didn't really mind. The week following the spray-painting incident was the most blissful of her life. Then Thanksgiving morning, just as Maggie padded into the kitchen for her first cup of coffee, Dan dropped his bombshell.

  Barefoot and wearing one of his T-shirts and a pair of bikini panties, her curly mane in a wild tangle, she was still half asleep, and it took a moment for his words to register. Even then she was sure she'd misunderstood.

  She blinked at him. "What did you say?"

  "I said, we have to hustle. Mom gets on a tear if all her chicks aren't there early on holidays."

  "Whoa! Wait just a minute! You can't be serious. You want me to go with you to your mother's for Thanksgiving?"

  "Sure I'm serious. I thought it was understood we were going. And don't look at me like that. Hell, you'd think I was asking you to commit hara-kiri in the middle of the town square."

  Might as well, Maggie thought frantically. "Are you crazy? I can't spend a holiday with your family."

  "Why not?"

  "I have to spend Thanksgiving here with my own family," she said quickly, grasping at the first excuse that came to mind.

  "First of all, I checked with Lily. In deference to Jacob, she's planning merely a quiet dinner at the usual time. Thanksgiving at my mom's is around three. Anyway, knowing your appetite, you can easily handle two feasts."

  Maggie twisted her hands together. "I … I still can't go. Don't you realize what kind of conclusions your family will draw if you bring me to a family gathering?"

  "That this is not just a fling? That I'm serious about you? Maybe even that I'm in love with you? Yeah, probably." Dan shrugged. "So what? They'd be right."

  "I still can't—" Maggie gaped at him. "You love me?"

  "Yeah, I do," he said quietly, watching her in that piercing way he had.

  Joy exploded inside Maggie like a Rom
an candle, but she ruthlessly quashed the emotion and narrowed her eyes at him. "You're just saying that so I'll agree to go with you."

  "I don't believe this," he muttered, looking heavenward. "In every other way you are without exception the strongest, brightest, bravest, sassiest, most self-assured woman I know, but when it comes to love I've never seen anyone so insecure and suspicious. Dammit, woman! I just told you that I love you, and I damn well want to hear you say it back."

  His anger startled her at first. Then, as she stared at his furious face, a flood of warmth swept through her, turning her insides to mush. Her eyes grew misty, and a smile blossomed on her face as the joy she could no longer contain broke free. Her chest was so swollen with emotion she could barely speak, but she managed a quavery "I love you, too, Dan."

  "Good." He pointed to the door in front of his feet. "Get over here, woman, and kiss me. Now."

  Laughing, Maggie covered the space between them in one leap, threw her arms around his neck and fastened her mouth to his.

  The kiss was hot and hungry and exultant. They clung to each other, desperately straining to get closer still, as though they would each climb right inside the other's body if they could. Feverishly, hands stroked and clutched, lips and tongues rubbed, teeth nipped, as low, hungry sounds issued from them.

  When at last the kiss ended Dan leaned his forehead against hers and they both struggled to catch their breaths. "Come here, Red," he said at last, and leaned his hips back against the kitchen counter and brought her to stand between his braced legs. "There, that's better. Now, say it again."

  Looping her arms around his neck, Maggie leaned back in his embrace with a sultry smile. "I do love you, handsome. With all my heart. And if you ever use that dictatorial tone with me again I'll put a knot on your head you can wear a hat on," she said sweetly.

  Dan threw back his head and laughed. "That's my Maggie." He hugged her close, and she snuggled her cheek against his chest, relaxing as he rubbed his hands over her back in slow, hypnotic circles.

  "So, you are going with me to Mom's, right?"

  Maggie groaned. "You just never give up, do you?"

  "Hell, Red, it's just a meal with my family. What's the problem?"